Past Events
January 1-5, 2025: 15th New Years’s hybrid Retreat in Yeselling: Self-empowerment of one’s own potentiality with Oliver Leick in German and English language
September 20-22, 2024: Guruyoga und das Lied des Vajra. Praxis-Retreat in Yeselling mit Oliver Leick onsite from Yeselling. Retreat was held in German language
May 17-20, 2024: The Sound of Emptiness and its amazing display of Light and Colours with Oliver Leick onsite and online from Yeselling
January 2-6, 2024: 14th New years retreat: Discovery and Awakening of our own Wisdom with Oliver Leick, onsite and online from Yeselling
October 26 – 29, 2023: Explanations of Bardo with Jakob Winkler, onsite and online

ACCORDING WITH DZOGCHEN TEACHING. Online retreat with Oliver Leick on the Six Paramitas, organized by the DC Merigar East.
September 22 – 24, 2023: Practice weekend with members of the Dzogchen Community Yeselling, connected to a common visit at the nearby alpacas:

September 20 – 22, 2023: online retreat in collaboration with the International Dzogchen Community Taiwan: Explanation and practice of GURU YOGA OF THE WHITE A with Oliver Leick.
June 28-30: Vajra Dance seminar with Adriana Dalborgo: the Dance of the Three Vajras.

January 1 – 6, 2023: 13th New-years Dzogchen retreat with Oliver Leick, with the main focus on The Purification of the Six Lokas. Onsite and online from Yeselling

October 28 – November 2, 2022: “At the peak of the highest mountain: The State of Dzogchen” – From Meditation to the State of Contemplation. Hybrid retreat (onsite in Yeselling and online) with Oliver Leick
September 29 – October 7, 2022: Online retreat on The Practice of Green Tara with Oliver Leick, organised by the DC Taiwan and Australia
July 14-17, 2022: 3rd Guruyoga on the mountains with Oliver Leick in Styria
May 19, 2022: Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche: “The Five Elements”. Onsite and online, organized in cooperation with the ATIYOGA FOUNDATION, International Dzogchen-Community, Buddha University, and Ligmincha Brazil. See our VIDEO ARCHIVE
April 23-24, 2022: “The Paramita of Discriminating Wisdom” online retreat with Stoffelina Verdonk and Oliver Leick, organized by the gakyil of Merigar West
April 6-10, 2022: “The ngang gom practice of Green Tara” with Oliver Leick, online retreat organized by Kunsangar North
April 1-5, 2022: “The Practice of Green Tara and her Twenty-one Manifestations” with Oliver Leick, online-retreat with Oliver Leick organized by Kunsangar North
March 26-27, 2022: Explanation and practice of the 7th Lojong, online-retreat with Oliver Leick organized by the Dzogchen Community Merigar West, Italy
January 1-6, 2022: 12th Dzogchen practice New-Year-retreat. Shine and Ati Guruyoga Practice and explanation with Oliver Leick online from Yeselling
December 7-8, 2021: Explanation and practice of the GURUYOGA OF THE WHITE A with Oliver Leick
November 17-21, 2021: Retreat of “The 25 Spaces of Samantabhadra”, online-retreat with Oliver Leick organized by the Dzogchen-Community Kungyalbling, Czech Republic

October 29 – November 2, 2021: Explanation and practice of the Thun practices with Oliver Leick. Hybrid retreat
September 3-5, 2021: The Potentiality of the Elements, course lead by Migmar Tsering, in collaboration with the Atiyoga Foundation and Dynamic Space of the Elements.

July 1-6, 2021: Retreat of “The 25 Spaces of Samantabhadra”, online-retreat with Oliver Leick organized by Merigar East
June 3, 2021: Lecture by Costanzo Allione on “Prayer in Praise of Tara from Adzom Drugpa’s Ösel Dorje Sang Dzo“. See:
May 13-20, 2021: “The Practice of Green Tara and her Twenty-one Manifestations“, online-retreat with Oliver Leick organized by Tobgyalling Kiev

In January and February 2021: four time a week collective online practices lead by Oliver Leick
February 5 – 11, 2021: “The Practice of Green Tara and her Twenty-one Manifestations“, online-retreat with Oliver Leick organized by Kunsangar North

January 1 – 6, 2021: 11th Dzogchen practice New-Year-retreat. Thos-Grol: The Twenty-Five Thigles. Practice and explanation with Oliver Leick online from Yeselling

November 3 – December 22, 2020: Every evening online practice of Green Tara and her Twenty-One manifestations with Oliver Leick for 50 days.
December 4 -8, 2020: “Winter-retreat”: The practice of the Seven Semdzins lead by Oliver Leick. Explanations and practice (only in German) according to the instructions given by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in the book “The Precious Vase”.
October 30 – November 2, 2020: “Autumn-retreat”: The practice of Khorde Rushan lead by Oliver Leick. Explanations and practice (only in German) according to the instructions given by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in the book “The Precious Vase”.
September 27, 2020: Collective practice onsite and online: second anniversary of the paranirvana of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu.
September 2 – 9, 2020: Astrology and art workshop with Migmar Tsering, in collaboration with the Shang Shung Institute Austria.

July 1 – August 18, 2020: Every evening practice of Green Tara and her Twenty-One manifestations with Oliver Leick for 49 days, in Yeselling and online
August 16, 2020: SMS Base Level, 12th part of the study course Santi Maha Sangha Base Level with Oliver Leick, in Yeselling and online
July 31 – August 6, 2020: 50 days of explanation and practice of Green Tara and her Twenty-One manifestations with Oliver Leick, in Yeselling and online from Merigar East
July 26, 2020: 11th part of the study course Santi Maha Sangha Base Level with Oliver Leick, in Yeselling and online
July 12, 2020: 10th part of the study course Santi Maha Sangha Base Level with Oliver Leick, in Yeselling and online
June 21, 2020: 9th part of the study course Santi Maha Sangha Base Level with Oliver Leick, in Yeselling and online
June 7, 2020: 8th part of the study course Santi Maha Sangha Base Level with Oliver Leick, in Yeselling and online
May 17, 2020: 7th part of the study course Santi Maha Sangha Base Level with Oliver Leick, online from home due to the Corona pandemic
April 26, 2020: 6th part of the study course Santi Maha Sangha Base Level with Oliver Leick, online from home due to the Corona pandemic
March 15 – May 3, 2020: 50 days of online practice twice a day; explanations and practice of Green Tara and her Twenty-One Praises, and Guruyoga of White A by Oliver Leick, Long Practice of Mandarava lead by Oliver Leick
March 29, 2020: 5th part of the study course Santi Maha Sangha Base Level with Oliver Leick, online from home due to the Corona pandemic
February 23, 2020: 4th part of the study course Santi Maha Sangha Base Level with Oliver Leick, online from Dzamlingar
January 19, 2020: 3rd part of the study course Santi Maha Sangha Base Level with Oliver Leick, in Yeselling and online
January 1-5, 2020: 10th Dzogchen practice New Year retreat: Green Tara and her 21 manifestations & Odzer Chenma. Practice and explanation with Oliver Leick in Yeselling
December 22, 2019: 2nd part of the study course Santi Maha Sangha Base Level with Oliver leick, in Yeselling and online
December 8, 2019: Special collective practice day, birthday of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
November 24, 2019: First part of the new Santi Maha Sangha Base Level Study course with Oliver leick, in Yeselling and online
October 30-November 3, 2019: Chöd Practice retreat with Nina Robinson
July 2019: 2 days visit of Dr. Tenzin Sherab and his wife Pema
June 15, 2019: Practice of Green Tara and Guru Yoga of White A with Oliver Leick
May 10-12, 2019: Dzogchen seminar: Practice and Explanation of the Dzamlingar Song with Tomas Edgar and Oliver Leick
March 15–17, 2019: “Back to the roots 1“: Explanation and practice of the Thun-practices with Oliver Leick
January 2-6, 2019: 9th Dzogchen practice New Year retreat: Retreat with Oliver Leick: The practice Tara and practices of Vajrasattva
October 29-November 2, 2018: Dzogchen practice retreat with Oliver Leick: Inner and Secret Rushen
October 26-28, 2018: Retreat with LAMA TSULTRIM ALLIONE
July 13-15 2018: Summer retreat of the Dzogchen Community
May 18-22 2018: Mandarava retreat: Explanation and practice with Nina Robinson
May 14, 2018: Second visit of LHO ONTUL RINPOCHE: Healing Chod
March 16-18, 2018: The 7. Lojong and Kumbhaka training. Explanation and practice with Oliver Leick
January 1-6, 2018: 8th Dzogchen practice New Year retreat with Oliver Leick: The practice of Mandarava and Tara
May 25-28, 2017: Mandarava practice and explanation: Retreat with Nina Robinson
March 17-19, 2017: 1st Khaita weekend-seminar with Elisha Koppensteiner
January 4th – 8th, 2017: 7th Intensive Dzogchen practice New Year retreat with Oliver Leick
October 28-November 2, 2016: Intensive Dzogchen practice retreat with Oliver Leick
August 1-7, 2016: 4th Vajra-Dance Summer practice-retreat with Elisha Koppensteiner
June 22, 2016: LHO ONTUL RINPOCHE visits Yeselling and teaches about Bodhicitta
May 27, 2016: “Day of the Open Door”
May 26-29, 2016: 3rd part of the series of retreats on Santi Maha Sangha Base Level with Oliver Leick
January 18, 2016: Explanation of the Short Thun with Oliver Leick via Skype
January 1-5, 2016: 6th Intensive Dzogchen practice New Year retreat: Retreat with Oliver Leick: 2nd part of the series of retreats on Santi Maha Sangha Base Level
October 23-26, 2015: 1st part of the series of retreats on Santi Maha Sangha Base Level with Oliver Leick
July 31-August 2, 2015: Guru-Yoga in the Mountains: Hiking and practicing in the Styrian mountains with Oliver Leick
July 15-19, 2015: Vajra-Dance practice days with Elisha Koppensteiner
June 26-28, 2015: Vajra-Dance practice retreat on The Vajra-Dance of the Sang of the Vajra with Elisha Koppensteiner
June 4-7, 2015: Yantra – Coordination of Energy: Retreat of correct and precise breathing in harmony with our movements” with Oliver Leick
January 1-4, 2015: 5th Intensive Dzogchen practice New Year retreat: Retreat with Oliver Leick: The practice of Green Tara
August 10, 2014: Intensive practice “Guruyoga” with Oliver Leick
July 9-14, 2014: Intensive Vajra-Dance practice retreat with Elisha Koppensteiner
May 29-June 1, 2014: Practice and repetition of the second part of The Vajra- Dance of the Song of the Vajra with Elisha Koppensteiner
April 15-20, 2014: The Vajra-Dance of the Song of the Vajra – Part 2
Intensive course with Elisha Koppensteiner
January 1-6, 2014: 4th Intensive Dzogchen practice New Year retreat: Retreat with Elisha Koppensteiner: The Vajra-Dance of the Song of the Vajra – Part 1
October 4-6, 2013: Yantra Yoga – Beginners course with Oliver Leick
August 2-4, 2013: Guruyoga in the mountains: Experiencing nature and practice with Oliver Leick, Weinebene
July 25-28, 2013: Intensive Vajra-Dance practice retreat with Elisha Koppensteiner
May 10-12, 2013: Vajra-Dance Weekend-Course: The Vajra Dance of the Six Spaces of Samantabhadra with Elisa Koppensteiner
October 13-14, 2012: Weekend-seminar on DRAJYOR with Dr Fabian Sanders. The Phonetic transcription system for a correct pronunciation of Tibetan practice texts. This course was organized in collaboration with the Shang Shung Institute Austria
September 14-16, 2012: Yantra Yoga – Beginners course with Oliver Leick
August 12, 2012: Explanation of the Ganapuja
April 20-22, 2012: Explanation and practice of the Purification practices used in the Dzogchen Community with Oliver Leick
March 16-18, 2012: Vajra-Dance Weekend-Couse: The Vajra Dance of the Six Spaces of Samantabhadra with Elisa Koppensteiner
From January until June every Tuesday public talks and meditation for local people with Oliver Leick
January 1-4, 2012: 3rd Intensive Dzogchen practice New Year retreat: Retreat with Oliver Leick: Explanation and practice of “The 25 Longchen Thigles” according the instructions of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Barcelona 2005.
November 12-13, 2011: Chang Chog – Ritual for the Deceased. Explanation and practice with Elio Guarisco
November 8-12, 2011: 1st Styrian – Tibetan Cultural Days in collaboration with the Shang Shung Institute Austria. See:
Explanations and Practices of Xitro with Oliver Leick in November 2011
Explanations and Practices of the Medium Thun with Oliver Leick in November 2011
October 22, 2011: 12 hours Nagong practice
Weekly seminar with Oliver Leick in May and June 2011
BREATHE – The harmonious way of breathing as part of our awareness
March 4-6, 2011: Retreat with Oliver Leick: Explanation and intensive practice of The Purification of the Six Lokas
January 22, 2011: Public talk with Oliver Leick: How to liberate emotions according the Three Paths of Liberation
January 1-7, 2011: 2nd Intensive Dzogchen practice New Year retreat: Retreat with Oliver Leick: Khorde Rushan and practice of Mandarava
November 20, 2010: Public talk with Oliver Leick: Introduction to Meditation – The Art of Awareness in Everyday Life
November 6-7, 2010: Seminar with Oliver Leick : Introduction to Yantra Yoga
June 11-13, 2010: Retreat with Oliver Leick: Explanation and intensive practice of the Practice of the Seven Semdzins
May 13-16, 2010: Retreat with Oliver Leick: Explanation and intensive practice of Khorde Rushan
April 17-18, 2010: Seminar with Oliver Leick: Yantra – Coordination of energy
April 16, 2010: Day of the Open Door
February 19-21, 2010: Retreat with Elio Guarisco: The Vision of Clear Light – A pure vision of Mingyur Namkhai Dorje on the key point of the Dzogchen practice in the words of Patrul Rinpoche
January 1-6, 2010: 1st Intensive Dzogchen practice New Year retreat: Retreat with Nina Robinson: Explanation and intensive practice of of the Long-life Practice of Mandarava
May 1-3, 2009: Retreat with Nina Robinson: Explanation and intensive practice of the Practice of Chod
February 13-15, 2009: Dzogchen retreat with Yeshi Namkhai: The Upadesha of the Total Behaviour in State of One-Taste
December 5-8, 2008: Retreat with Elio Guarisco: Explanation and intensive practice of the Practice of Mandarava Tsalung
December 3, 2008: Opening ceremony